Super Courses

Book a Course

PLEASE NOTE: If you don’t have a motorcycle theory test, please do not book a course. Go to and book your motorcycle theory test, pass the test, and come back to this page. Full course descriptions can be viewed here

STEP 1: Select Course

    2.5-day super course Requirements

    You must have a current CBT, provisional/full UK licence, motorcycle theory test and previous geared motorcycle experience to a reasonable standard.

    3.5-day super course Requirements

    You must have a current provisional/full UK licence, motorcycle theory test and previous geared motorcycle experience to a reasonable standard.

    4.5-day super course Requirements

    You must have a current provisional/full UK licence, motorcycle theory test and a little previous motorcycle experience.

    5.5-day super course Requirements

    You must have a current, provisional/full UK licence, motorcycle theory test and very little or no previous motorcycle experience.

    Please check each statement below to indicate that you have read and understood before proceeding to the calendar